Building Sustainable Communities

The Dwelling Company is not only an architectural standout, we are reimagining life in many of the nations storied cities from coast to coast.


The Dwelling Companies is an industry leader in modern design. Our communities are steps away from shops and restaurants. No matter your destination, you’ll spend less time getting there & more time being there.

The Dwelling Companies, Currently planning, building and managing properties across the country.







Planning and Designing

We utilize our experience to partner the public, private, and social sectors to maximize the performance of communities, generate economic opportunity, and meet the increasing need for housing in cities around the country. We create sustainable properties that make apartment housing a good investment—unlock supply, boost the productivity of construction, improve operations, and lower financing costs.

From 10 to 300 acres our team has the vision and experience to design and develop a vast multifamily portfolio.

Building Smart Projects

Our Construction Group specializes in multifamily mid-rise, garden style, multi-story wrap apartments, along with workforce housing. Significant HUD and tax credit experience facilitates the process for our company.

Our highly qualified, experienced team guide designers, using an open-book approach, through the preconstruction and construction phases. Our advanced planning during the preconstruction phase, gives us the edge in developing efficient site logistics, detailed safety, quality control plans, and accurate schedules.

Himanshu Daudia
Himanshu Daudia

Property Management

Ultimately The Dwelling Companies primary purpose is Property Management. After Property Managements’ acceptance of completed units from the construction division. The mission of property management is to create an environment in which properties thrive in order for the value of the companies investments to be maximized.

  • Tenant Relations
  • Lease and Marketing
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Administration and Accounting

© The Dwelling Companies 2020. All rights reserved.

Designed By: Innovatech Ltd